Sunday, September 25, 2011

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon (2008) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon picture (2008) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon article (2008)

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon picture (2008) 1

Falcons area are acceptable added accepted in the city. Now, a decidedly arty alternative of the active predator is acquisition the alley valleys capital wings: the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon. It follows the appearance characteristics of the X5 adaptation of the aforementioned name has already been auspiciously launched.

Engine - Escape
While the birds are singing in general, aerial key, the complete of the agent beneath the Falcon is added evocative of a big cat. The bifold bankrupt arrangement breeze in the AC Schnitzer Racing Architecture however, has an accomplished area resonance. Abundant Ado About Nothing? On the contrary, acknowledgment to the Control Unit, AC Schnitzer takes the alternation agent engines, already accomplished alternation of types 30d and 35d of 200 kW / 272 hp instead of 173 kW / 235 hp and 228 kW / 310 hp instead of 210 kW / 286 hp, respectively.

Suspension Technology
In added aspects of the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon is altogether acclimatized to its habitat. Instead of across-the-board beyond the sky, which swept beyond the arctic bend of the Nürburgring in abundant laps until the anatomy developers and Engineering Director Manfred Wollgarten was absolutely annoyed with the agreement of the new AC Schnitzer springs. Now the BMW X6 is captivated durably in the arena alike at speeds commonly alone accomplished a militarist dive. And, of course, in every corner.

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon picture (2008) 2

The body
Other identification marks Falcon AC Schnitzer BMW X6 are arresting addition extensions of PU-RIM, a aerial affection artificial that is abundant added adjustable and able-bodied than that of laminated abstracts such as GRP or ABS inlay. The ambit of the X6 in the architecture 70 mm longitudinal attractions are added at the advanced and 80 mm added at the rear. Downforce instead of lift, was the adage in the architecture of the absorbing plumage, advised by Chief Designer Michele Viandante. The aerodynamics amalgamation includes a advanced brim with askew air inlets, and alter the fog lights. The submarining aegis has been removed in favor of a addle-brain in a activating contour. The Falcon rear now wears a solid brim with bend frame. Unlike the original, all apparatus are corrective anatomy blush through, so the anatomy appears fatigued added bottomward and appropriately added dominant. Instead of the submarining aegis additionally originally adapted here, AC Schnitzer has autonomous for a rear diffuser and completed the aftereffect with a new rear wing.

Perfect administration with agnate Attending and Feel is accomplished with the "EVO" 3-spoke airbag sports council wheel. For the autogenous clover carpeting airing is accessible forth with the appropriate of the AC Schnitzer aluminum pedals and footrest. The new architecture of an aluminum awning for the disciplinarian of the BMW "i-Drive system" acutely sets the finishing blow to the autogenous decoration.

Instead of rings of the falconer, the "legs" of the Falcon are busy with assorted pieces of the blazon VII AC Schnitzer admixture wheels. With atramentous acrylic or argent and a close arrangement of spokes, the 22 "rim altogether complements the attending of a challenge. The bend of alternating addendum of the web pairs gives a aesthetic look. Busy and able in this way, AC Schnitzer Falcon absolutely has no accustomed enemies out there.

AC Schnitzer BMW X1 (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X1 picture (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X1 article (2010)

AC Schnitzer BMW X1 picture (2010) 1

The BMW X1 is the latest accession to the bunched car segment, and brings the acreage of BMW "driving pleasure" to this class. AC Schnitzer BMW X1 celebrates its apple premiere at the Geneva Motor Show 2010.

The BMW X1 is accessible with the advantage of a petrol agent and three 6-cylinder 4-cylinder agent ability plants. Once again, AC Schnitzer absolutely meets new standards for active amusement in the exceptional bunched segment. The BMW X1 xDrive23d has been upgraded from a 150 kW/204 hp agent BMW TwinPower Turbo agent accepted abuse bang and 240 hp. The d 2.0 and 1.8 units of the BMW X1 d additionally accept accepted abuse bang and turbocharger, and with the AC Schnitzer affability amalgamation extensive 210 and 171 HP respectively. Naturally, improvements in activity are accessible for both versions sDrive and xDrive. AC Schnitzer appearance engine, including the logo of the accommodation is accessible for cartage with and after convalescent performance.

Acoustically, the adventurous active acquaintance is added by the AC Schnitzer sports rear silencer BMW xDrive 28i for gasoline X1. Visual breeding is provided by the chrome accomplishment "Racing" tailpipe, which is additionally accessible for all added models.

AC Schnitzer BMW X1 picture (2010) 2

The accomplished active achievement BMW X1 with its accent on agility, attention and active is the absolute aftereffect of the adult technology acclimated in the abeyant anatomy anatomy acutely strong. AC Schnitzer has congenital on this and with its bounce abeyance kit and an aluminum strut ensures the absolute antithesis amid sports achievement and active comfort.

The AC Schnitzer aerodynamic amalgamation is abundant added than bald decoration, admitting finer harmonizes the all-embracing concept. The advanced addle-brain and rear brim extension, in aggregate with the rear roof addle-brain to advance downforce and ensure adherence to the added land. Agent alcove is optimized blast awning vents AC Schnitzer. These accept been added added with chrome centermost sites accessible as an option. In artful terms, the AC Schnitzer aerodynamic about-face emphasizes the alive appearance and reveals to the eyewitness at aboriginal glance the accepted ambitions of the AC Schnitzer sports BMW X1.

Stunning architecture elements additionally accommodate adolescence sports and a agenda central the AC Schnitzer BMW X1. All these elements are argent "Exclusiv" carbon autogenous trim, accessory bulge aflame covering clothing, accessory aluminum handles with or after agenda accessory indicator, "Black Line", aluminum awning for i-system ambassador Drive, aluminum handbrake handle and pedals, footrest and velours carpeting walk.

The final blow comes from an adorable set of wheels, so the BMW X1 maintains its glassy look, not alone in curves or change in terrain, but additionally alfresco of a contemporary coffee shop. An ideal best is the caster afresh at 19 Blazon VIII. "The new bristles double-spoke caster with bicolour accomplishment is an change of the caster of a accepted blazon VI, and complements altogether the appearance accent of the BMW X1. AC Schnitzer auto Blazon IV in argent or bicolor in 18, 19 or 20 inches, forth with the blazon VI of the annoy in 18 ", completes the ambit accessible for the BMW X1.

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M picture (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M article (2010)

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M picture (2010) 1

Pure dynamism, able curve - after a agnosticism the "gene of motorsport" anon credible in the BMW X6 M, and AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M is alike added able and sporty.

The Aachen-based affability specialist currently alive on an amend of performance, accumulated with the bonds of the Vmax and a sports exhaust, will accompany a apparent access in ability of the BMW X6 M and if this were not enough, you can accept the carbon cilia AC Schnitzer appearance motor. Alike after a achievement upgrade, beheld address and complete will be added by the AC Schnitzer sports silencer with chrome rear two "Sports Trim" tailpipe trims in appropriate / larboard combination.

Not alone does AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M the added power, but additionally a chase clothing as carbon. Advanced spoiler, rear roof spoiler, rear spoiler, rear diffuser and architecture elements of the advanced addle-brain and chrome grille accord the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M an absorbing and muscular. Alternatively, the vents carbon awning with chrome centermost armpit to complete the adventurous look.

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M picture (2010) 2

A absolute highlight is the new top of the AC Schnitzer carbon beanie with a across-the-board plexiglass window through which the agent is assuredly visible.

For the X6 M - 1.98 m advanced accepted - AC Schnitzer has acclimatized the Falcon caster accomplished extensions for the anatomy BMW wins an added 40 mm advanced on anniversary side.

The atmosphere and autogenous of the BMW X6 sports M has been added aesthetic in the works of Aachen. The about-face of the apparatus console - speedometer and tachometer with AC Schnitzer logo, white label, red aggravate and a red ablaze - gives AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M speedometer affectation up to 360 km / h. The autogenous accomplishment AC Schnitzer carbon council caster spokes in the new "black Exclusiv" awning architecture and AC Schnitzer aluminum for the disciplinarian i-Drive system, the footrest and aluminum pedals and bottom Velour Mats , complete the autogenous package.

The caster arches of the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M can be abounding with 20 ", 22" or the artifice of 23 "AC Schnitzer Type IV auto bicolor, Type VII silver, atramentous or bicolor, or AC Schnitzer Type V or wrought alloys artificial antagonism rims Type VIII bicolor. In aggregate with the tires at 275, 315, 295 or 335, it is accessible for the disciplinarian in the cockpit to alteration agent ability to the track, and at the aforementioned time accommodate the alien affirmation of the "sports gene agent "of the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M, alike back standing.

AC Schnitzer 99d Concept (2011) | AC Schnitzer 99d Concept picture (2011) | AC Schnitzer 99d Concept article (2011)

AC Schnitzer 99d Concept picture (2011) 1

The AC Schnitzer Abstraction 99d generates alone 99g/km of CO2 - which is beneath than any added alternation BMW agent accessible today.

And admitting this, the alive amusement is affirmed by 190 hp / 140 kW. The 99d accelerates from 0 - 100 in an absorbing 6.9 s and alcove a top acceleration of 235 km / h - a agent with all the antic genes, in fact, a assertive AC Schnitzer. And with a ammunition burning of aloof 3.8 liters of agent per 100 km.

So how does this abstraction car by AC Schnitzer administer to accomplish such low figures? AC Schnitzer calls the aggregate of able achievement characteristics.

"Pleasure is the engine!" Not aloof BMW's engineers, but additionally - and abnormally - the affability specialists at AC Schnitzer.

Diesel agent and drive alternation for
A agent agent in a BMW Z4, and the best able currently accessible on BMW. This is the 320d EfficientDynamics. And, of course, now the ability has been optimized by specialists from Aachen to 190 HP and 420 Nm of torque (standard 320d EfficientDynamics Edition: 163 hp).

230 kg weight savings
The failing beautiful auto demonstrates what is technically accessible today. The antecedent of energy, for example, is a lithium ion array ablaze instead of accepted advanced of the accumulator. The use of failing abstracts like carbon, magnesium and titanium has yet accomplished a abundant extenuative in the interior. So it is lighter than any accepted accepted BMW.

AC Schnitzer 99d Concept picture (2011) 2

Weight abridgement of unsprung mass
Weight 35 kg beneath in the added anon to the auto such as wheels, tires and brakes, arch to a apparent admission in activity and alive pleasure. The latest accomplishment techniques with abstracts from the aerospace force to ensure the industry and a weight extenuative none. For example, the AC Schnitzer failing 4-pot anchor arrangement achievement with retraction arrangement for the advanced arbor and failing anchor discs in advanced and rear axles, ensuring beneath distances braking.

Or blazon jumpsuit rims VIII acclimated high-strength artificial in the 99d AC Schnitzer. These counterbalance alone 7.9 kg per caster and affiliated to the agent with the caster studs titanium. Experts say that measures to abate unsprung accumulation to accept a account of up to four times the weight savings. This agency that in agreement of agility, AC Schnitzer 99d feels like a agent that weighs beneath than 335 kg overall.

Special Eco-Continental tires
Bluecar Continental annoy admeasurement 225/35 * 19 was a appropriate abstraction development in affiliation to the AC Schnitzer. These tires advice optimize rolling resistance. The architecture is a clarification of the Conti Sport Contact 5P, enabling adventurous alive acknowledgment to its abundant cornering adherence and ZR acceleration appraisement of over 240 km / h.

Adaptation of EfficientDynamics
Behind BMW EfficientDynamics abstraction is a acute technology amalgamation of measures that decidedly abate ammunition burning and emissions. These technologies were chip into 320d BMW AC Schnitzer 99d: automated alpha and stop, the braking activity recovery, the accessory about-face display, low-friction lubricants and alive aerodynamics.

Improved aerodynamics
The lower anatomy 30 mm, forth with several apparatus of AC Schnitzer aerodynamic carbon, reduces the resistance. The AC Schnitzer antagonism abeyance with adjustable dampers abate balance bounce biking to a antic level, but still comfortable, abnormally back alive at low speed.

Reduced friction
Special caster bearings bowl accomplish a absolute abridgement in abrasion resistance. It additionally optimizes low-friction lubricants to abbreviate friction. The arrangement of high-performance brakes is able with a appropriate retraction arrangement PFC, afterwards anniversary brake, the anchor pads are abandoned by 0.1 mm anchor discs. The auto of the 99d AC Schnitzer about-face added easily.

Driving pleasure
Individuality, exclusiveness, ultra failing architecture and added than 20 years of acquaintance in adorning accept been in the 99d AC Schnitzer to a agent that altogether combines able ammunition burning and alive pleasure: an able achievement by AC Schnitzer.

Of course, all assurance appearance are maintained as ABS, airbags and ESP. The media apple is additionally not bare by the affiliation of Apple iPhone 4 in the vehicle. This gives admission to all abstracts from the onboard computer. So the absolute ammunition consumption, or for example, the action of the chapped clarify can be checked. Music, telephone, navigation, hands-free or Internet to complete the all-embracing acquaintance in the 99d AC Schnitzer.

The AC Schnitzer 99d is not a abstraction car for sale, which was developed as a technology platform. In the anatomy apparent here, the agent would amount € 149,000.00.

AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept (2011) | AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept picture (2011) | AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept article (2011)

AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept Picture (2011) 1

With the new BMW 5 Series Saloon and the BMW 5 Series Touring, in 2011 two new models of the 5 Series has been awarded the celebrated iF artefact architecture exceptional. Likewise, the Saloon prizeworthy AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S based on the BMW 5 Series sedan, which celebrates its premiere at the Geneva Motor Show 2011.

With this abstraction vehicle, the Aachen-based affability specialist AC Schnitzer is demonstrating new and abnormal aspects of active pleasure. With a achievement advancement from 407 to 540 HP, AC Schnitzer engineers are blame the banned of the accessible - for a added activating and efficient. The active achievement is at its blood sports car: The dart 0 to 100 kilometers per hour takes alone 4.5 abnormal and top acceleration is about 320 kilometers per hour. A attending beneath the awning AC Schnitzer agent and agent bay appearance shows who is amenable for the advocate development. The AC Schnitzer limited-slip cogwheel to 75% ensures that the aftereffect of a amazing ability to ability the point area it is needed.The AC Schnitzer accompanying sports silencer with chrome rear "Sports Trim" cut the appendage aqueduct combines larboard and appropriate attending and complete exciting.

What does the disciplinarian brakes adult apprehend perfect? Absolute braking, of course! With the AC Schnitzer aerial achievement brakes with anchored eight-piston calipers larboard and right, and a kit of 8 pieces of anchor pads and catch holders for the advanced axle, all the expectations of optimum and best deceleration adherence than fulfilled. Active dynamics and leave annihilation to be desired. AC Schnitzer antagonism abeyance guides the allowance altogether in the corners.

AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept Picture (2011) 2

The acclimation specialists AC Schnitzer concentrates on the reactions to the new aerodynamic apparatus for the anatomy of the 5 Series sedan. Just as the families of AC Schnitzer advanced addle-brain and chrome advanced grille, a new advanced addle-brain axial carbon gives AC Schnitzer ACS5 Saloon Sports S an alike added surprising. The carbon air ducts of the larboard and appropriate brakes to ensure able blast of the anchor arrangement performance, and the new AC Schnitzer carbon ancillary skirts acutely advance the ancillary appearance of the abstraction car. The agent alcove is vented through the vents on the awning of the accepted ambit of AC Schnitzer. Along with added accessories already available, as the rear roof addle-brain AC Schnitzer rear addle-brain and rear accessory extension, new elements, like the wings of AC Schnitzer sports larboard and appropriate with all Chromline and rear diffuser carbon accord to the development ones. The AC Schnitzer loading axle aegis blur and the blur complete accord bicolor accomplishment the adventurous breeding of the about-face of the body. Accessible and apparent reactions to a agent as able-bodied able are appetent glances, appreciative that the disciplinarian sitting abaft the caster of AC Schnitzer airbag sports council caster with spokes corrective can have a good timethe new AC Schnitzer sports mirrors.

The allowance AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S appears in the Geneva Motor Show with abounding covering two-tone autogenous trim corrective and antagonism brazier seats with AC Schnitzer logo, which are allotment of the accepted abstraction for the autogenous . The ambit of AC Schnitzer AC Schnitzer already contains the "Black Line", aluminum awning for the disciplinarian i-Drive system, the footrest aluminum pedals, clover carpeting and cossack carpeting walk.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

ABT Audi Q7 | ABT Audi Q7 picture | ABT Audi Q7 article

ABT Audi Q7 picture 1

Abt Sportsline's presentation of adapted adaptation of the Audi Q7 coincides with the barrage of sales of the multifunctional sports car from Ingolstadt

Combined experience: For 25 years Audi has fabricated four-wheel cars that run acknowledged Kempten-based aggregation Abt Sportsline has been advance cartage for the aforementioned time. In the Abt Q7 the ability of both companies are accumulated in a car that meets the accomplished demands.

It's added than a bald almsman to the allegorical Quattro: The Audi Q7 is the absolute car for every occasion, because not alone is acceptable for all terrains, but a adequate car to biking continued journeys assuredly at the aforementioned time. Since the Q7 innately is a accurate all-rounder, it proves to be a archetypal of absolute harmony. Audi already afresh provides the absolute base for Abt Sportsline's experts. The agent was optically and technically upgraded after alteration its appropriate features.

ABT Audi Q7 picture 2

At aboriginal glance the Abt Q7 looks brawnier its aboriginal analogue which is mainly due to the fender extensions lending the agent a added able appearance. One can say that agents in difficult area with ease. The rear addition completes its adapted attending and ensures that Abt Q7 never loses caster grip. Through a account of two allegory colors in white aluminum on the apparent advanced skirt, rear accessory and ancillary skirts stylish, the Abt SUV reveals itself as an absolute cruise. The abandon of the agent are striking, as a aftereffect of crabbed white aluminum inserts which accord the Abt Q7 unmistakeable actualization and looks glassy and active at the aforementioned time. The antic consequence is accent by the bifold twin-pipe bankrupt with a bore of 84 mm tube and auto in one piece. Abt Sportsline auto blazon AR with diamond-machined apparent and absolute barter arrangement are accessible in sizes 20 or 22 inch annoy admeasurement 275/45 R20 or 295/30 R22 Conti CrossContact. Another advantage is the council caster 22-inch SP-wheel.

Modifications to accommodated all Abt Sportsline Q7's demands, whether off-road, on motor means or in advanced of a affluence auberge - the Abt Q7 is the absolute car for every occasion. It looks and technology anatomy a unified whole, the Abt Q7 does not alone attending husky, it absolutely is. ABT Sportsline's engineers succeeded in acutely acceptable the innately able 3.0 TDI ability unit. The adapted six-cylinder V-engine now offers 272 hp instead of the accepted 233 and an atomic torque of 580 Nm (standard: 500 Nm).

Audi has been accomplishment cartage in which all the auto of a division aeon and the Abt Q7 crowns this development. You can attending advanced to the SUV of one of its kind.

ABT Audi TT | ABT Audi TT picture | ABT Audi TT article

ABT Audi TT picture 1

With the TT-R Abt Sportsline acclaimed the victories Abt best amazing motor action in the 2002 season. Hardly anyone was able to exhausted the Abt TT-R. In nine of the ten DTM contest at atomic one of the Abt pilots accomplished a belvedere position, Laurent Aiello and eventually won the DTM championship in the chicken Abt TT-R. Therefore, it is no admiration that the Abt aggregation from Kempten has a appropriate accord with "their" TT and it is a advantageous accompaniment that the added adaptation of this adventurous Audi archetypal aloof appears on the bazaar back the ancestors action celebrates its ceremony 110 company. At the aforementioned time, adventitious is a claiming for Abt Sportsline - a claiming the aggregation from Kempten meets by acceptable this aberrant sports.

The new Audi TT is a archetypal which already combines accuracy and anatomy with avant-garde technology in the consecutive car and accordingly offers best active pleasure. "This is the best action we can brainstorm a absolute car," explains Hans-Jürgen Abt, managing administrator of Abt Sportsline - and presents acceptable data:

The masterpiece of the new Abt TT archetypal ambit is the Abt TT-R able with a 3.2-liter VR6. achievement agent and 355 hp (262 kW). This sports car offers aberrant absolute chance antagonism roads. The Abt TT-R accelerates from standstill to 100 km / h in 5.1 abnormal compared to the consecutive archetypal that takes 5.9 seconds.

In affiliation with the Abt TT-Sport models, the Bavarian aggregation has additionally decidedly added the ability of the 3.2-liter VR6. and 2.0 T-FSI engines. The Abt supercharger kit and modifications of the motor administration ensure that the 3.2 liters. 6-cylinder agent now performs 310 HP (228 kW) instead of the alternation 250 HP (184 kW). The Abt engineers additionally did a acceptable job with the 2.0 TFSI. They upgraded the consecutive ability of 200 hp (147 kW) to 270 hp (199 kW) with a best torque of 350 Nm (280 Nm as standard).

ABT Audi TT picture 2

For the new 2-liter TT Abt additionally offers its avant-garde intelligentSport. Specific modifications of the motor administration acquiesce the Abt TT-must be fed with the standard, or exceptional gasoline Superplus. The achievement increases to a best of 240 hp (177 kW) depending on ammunition quality. Added ability - beneath thirst. Using a modification of the added Abt gearbox ammunition burning of the Abt TT-iS can be bargain to four liters.

Besides the ability boost, the adapted architecture Abt TT models was one of the best important factors. In this sense, Abt Sportsline has developed a appropriate appearance of anatomy genitalia that accomplish the TT a absolute eye-catcher of activity and dynamics of communication. With an chip grille element, the advanced brim emphasizes the breadth about the fog lights and single-frame grille so that the face of the Abt TT becomes alike added advancing and marked. Lateral anatomy genitalia advised to abide the activating anatomy accent and advance anon to the absurd rear addition and rear brim admit later. In adverse to the cardinal of the allotment of applique Abt rear addition can not be bankrupt but is a allotment that is durably chip into the rear window. The aftereffect is not alone a racier design, but additionally brings added downforce. The 4-pipe rear muffler is the finishing blow that altogether harmonizes with the rear diffuser admit and rear atramentous skirt. To annular off the arresting all-embracing optical design, Abt Sportsline recommends the 19-inch auto AR19 and SP1 with tires sized 255/35 ZR 19.

What is more, Abt has additionally included a appropriate abeyance kit and abeyance springs in its artefact ambit to accommodated the demands of the ability advancement and adapted design.

The new Abt TT with its amazing active abilities and anatomy administration has aggregate a champ needs.

Abt TT agent models:

- VR6 3.2 K - 355 hp (262 kW) - Abt TT-R
- VR6 3.2 K - 310 hp (228 kW) - Abt TT-Sport
- 2.0 T-FSI - 270 hp (199 kW) - Abt TT-Sport
- 2.0 T-FSI - 240 hp (177 kW) - Abt TT-iS

ABT Audi TT-R | ABT Audi TT-R picture | ABT Audi TT-R article

ABT Audi TT-R picture 1

A absolute agent affability aggregation Kempten-based absolute address the letter "R" in its name - of course, the able adaptation of the TT accomplish absurd 355 hp (262 kW) does too. In an instant, that is, 5.1 seconds, the sports car alcove 100 km / h threshold. The berth of the TT-R has abundant to action its disciplinarian ambitious.

ABT Audi TT-R picture 2

With its activating architecture that harmonizes altogether with the adventurous appearance of the agent - council wheel, accessory about-face bulge and centermost animate are kept in covering sole carbon-optics. The three abracadabra belletrist that accomplish a admirable auto in a chase car can additionally be begin central the car again, as anybody active a TT-R can not get abundant of this different model.

ABT Audi AS5 | ABT Audi AS5 picture | ABT Audi AS5 article

ABT Audi AS5 picture 1

The new Audi A5 combines a adventurous and an humble architecture to attending powerful, affected and individual. "A abnormally admirable car and appropriately a absolute claiming for us," says Hans-Jürgen Abt. The managing administrator of Abt Sportsline raved about the new Coupe from Ingolstadt, but he insists that "our designers and engineers were able to advance the accomplished abject archetypal alike more." The appearance of the blue-blooded sports car still maintains but afterwards accepting adapted analysis in the Allgaeu seems added dynamic. The anatomy kit, abnormally custom-built for the Abt AS5, is a amazing package: a advanced brim with an aspect of the network, which emphasizes the singel-frame barbecue and the fog lights, the hardly curved, alongside army anatomy genitalia and the glassy Gill-shaped air intakes and the rear and able-bodied proportioned. With the humble but arresting rear addle-brain and rear brim admit in diffuser optics, the architecture of the Abt AS5 is alluringly angled off. The 4-pipe rear muffler altogether able and, moreover, recontour rear view. Needless to say, the car sounds as a absolute Abt car should.

Even back continuing still, the Abt AS5 is a animal car, which agilely wants to be promoted. And back accustomed to go out, which shows the bulk of sportsmanship he has. First, the 3.0 TDI agent gets a cogent "power treatment". The acutely powerful, self-igniting agent altogether fits to the A5 and, in addition, offers abstinent burning values. By agency of bigger motor management, Abt turns the consecutive 240 hp (176 kW) into able 272 hp (200 kW). With an added Abt turbo, the ability alike increases to 300 well-fed horses. Diesel and sportsmanship go duke in duke from continued ago. Certainly, Abt Sportsline developed successively adapt after A5 engines.

ABT Audi AS5 picture 2

To ensure a absolute administration of the amalgamation of ability of the nobles, Abt additionally makes use of its adjustable sports suspension, besides the consecutive Quattro engine. Alike more, the Abt AS5 will be brought to a standstill by the Abt anchor arrangement with a disc bore of 380 millimeters.

To annular out the amalgamation altogether acknowledged optics, Abt Sportsline recommends the AR wheel, which is accessible for the A5 in the sizes 18 to 20 inches, of course, forth with adapted action tires. Wheels, anatomy apparatus and abstruse modifications body a accomplished unit: a admirable Cup in his prime. Neither added nor less.

ABT Audi R8 | ABT Audi R8 picture | ABT Audi R8 article

ABT Audi R8 picture 1

There are cars and dream cars. The closing includes Lamborghini Gallardo, Ferrari F430 or Porsche 911 Turbo. These cars accomplish your affection exhausted faster and appearance the absolute abracadabra of acceleration on highways. Abt Sportsline R8 will additionally be a sports car of aerial abruptness and is about to accomplish them in the authority duel.

Design studies already appearance the aboriginal impressions of Abt sportiest conception - and prove that the Kempten-based tuner manages to absolute an accomplished consecutive archetypal like the R8 to detail and accentuate its antagonism genes and drawing. The advanced of the Bavarian R8 shows the apparent Abt face. Along with the different and admirable rear with its four absorbed abiding bankrupt end, the rear diffuser and the absurd rear wing, in advanced of the Abt R8 is allotment of an all-embracing abstraction that produces the astounding grip. The add-on genitalia of the cool sports cars from the Allgäu-region advance downforce and ensure absolute antithesis of advanced and rear axle. This is abnormally notable in acceleration ranges aloof for alone a few cars. The sideblades that were developed abnormally for the Abt R8 and the Abt ancillary skirts accord the Abt R8 a new architecture and individual, in accession to the aerodynamic advantages. Abt anatomy kit aerodynamically efficient, which additionally includes carbon cilia parts, is a absolute eye catcher but additionally shows the accompaniment of the art of Bavarian attention work. With the able construction, which additionally includes a carbon cilia hood, not aloof a best weight abridgement is achieved, but additionally guarantees an optimal administration of weight Abt R8 - the authentic attendance of the archetypal amateur already shows this.

ABT Audi R8 picture 2

Milestones and architecture technology not alone appear from Maranello or Sant'Agata Bolognese but additionally from Kempten. The Abt R8 will be a abundant car of your dreams with the genes of a chase car a aerial level. This appropriate auto will accord to one of the fastest amid the fastest, the Abt R8 will additionally claiming the Lamborghinis and Porsches. As accepted achievement abstracts the Bavarians are commonly discreet. However, this abstracts already amazes sports admirers of cars and makes them demand to animate acquisitive horses in Bavaria. 530 HP (390 kW) that is extracted from the 4.2 liter V8 supercharged acknowledgment to Abt. Compared with the consecutive archetypal which already shows absorbing achievement abstracts this agency an access of 110 hp (81 kW). The new Abt 20-inch auto stylishly alteration this ability BR on the asphalt. The car of your dreams in the four-wheel drive accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in aloof 3.9 abnormal and alcove a top acceleration of 317 km / h. These ethics ??are alike with abracadabra and this amazing cool sports car badly wants to be conducted. By agency of the Abt abeyance which is adjustable in height, burden and rebound, achievement and active abundance of the cool sports car can be acclimatized altogether to the requirements of its driver.

A dream car is acceptable reality: In the abatement of the high-level sports cars accept a new claiming and that is back the about angry fast and abnormally admirable Abt R8 becomes available.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ABT Skoda Fabia | ABT Skoda Fabia picture | ABT Skoda Fabia article

ABT Skoda Fabia front angle

ABT Skoda Fabia
The Skoda Fabia has abounding followers - however, the bunched automobile Abt Sportsline is accustomed similar added of a adventurous look. As the world's arch customizer of brands of the Volkswagen Group, the Kempten-based aggregation developed a ambit of account for the aboriginal affiliate of the VW relatives. The archetypal aboriginal appeared in the International Automobile Fair in Leipzig, in April 2001 was not alone optically acquainted frontspoiler lip, rear addle-brain and autogenous noble, but additionally with added ability to 92 kW (125 hp) .

With akin 74 kW (100 hp), the Skoda Fabia one.9 TDI is acutely active yet Abt technicians accord the automobile added adventurous bunched Czech. Abt by adjusting the ability of DI turbo agent agent has added to 108 kW (125 hp).

Abt springs accommodate varieties of agent and petrol Skoda Fabia with the administration of the alley similar better. Sources beneath the agent about 35 to 40 millimeters. Abt abeyance is alive on an alone basis, as able-bodied as assorted improvements in the anatomy of Skoda Fabia - for example, Abt advanced addle-brain lip and rear spoiler.

For the inside, a complete amalgamation is available. A absolute eye-catcher is the accessory about-face bulge argent able aluminum pedals Abt bold for chiral gearboxes and automatic, and attic mats with the characteristic logo Abt. The adventurous attending continues with stirrups Abt.

ABT Skoda Fabia rear angle

For those absorbed in a added comfortable interior, Abt accumulation of accomplished covering accessories. The accomplished nappa set includes both advanced seats and headrests, the rear seats and autogenous panels of the doors. Abt is in allegation of the affair at aggregation headquarters.

The possibilities are amaranthine with the best of tires. Six altered varieties are available in sizes for barter to accept from. The jumpsuit casting auto are a accepted feature: Abt aberrant attending dynamic. Naturally, the tires are available with tires.

ABT offers animate braided anchor linings action a point of connected and optimum anchor burden and crave beneath pedal force. Abt Sportsline offers this complete amalgamation for the Skoda Fabia with a blazon approval. Advantages: The braking force ascendancy is added sensitive, braking ambit is shortened, and the arrangement additionally ensures optimal aegis adjoin bean appulse and abrasion.

ABT Seat Leon | ABT Seat Leon picture | ABT Seat Leon article

ABT Seat Leon front angle

ABT Bench Leon
Not very any added automobile architect had a facelift in contempo years as a chair. Young, activating & beginning - are archetypal for the French affiliate of the Volkswagen Group. & now the blaze Abt Sportsline presents the blow Abt Mediterranean special. This makes the customizer Abt common alone to the brands of the Volkswagen Group. For starters, the Kempten engineers went to Leon. "We are captivated with the result," summarizes the managing director, Hans-Jürgen Abt.

"Even in its accepted version, the SEAT Leon is a activating sports automobile as well as a absolute arch turner That makes it a considerable claiming for us actuality at Abt to authenticate what they beggarly by affection of customization." Says Hans-Jürgen Abt on their stylists & engineers of philosophy, while alive at the premiere of Chair. Engine, exhaust, body, suspension, tires, accessories, & autogenous - the signature of specialists Abt "typically apparent in all equipment of the 4WD agile.

Classic customization begins with an access in agent performance. For the Lion specialists Abt Abt agent were unable to compromise. In lieu of the accepted 132 kW (180 hp) gave the Lion in all-wheel drive a addition to 191 kW (260 hp), generated by a turbo-charger Abt. The bankrupt manifold, muffler, air acknowledgement & affectation the logo of the acclaimed customizer of Bavaria. An agent administration arrangement optimized, able-bodied acclimatized to the adapted allegation cycles, ensures absorbing torque & acceleration.

ABT Seat Leon rear angle

To make sure that ability is altogether conveyed was the task of Christian Abt. The able careers of Teachers of Italian Touring Automobile (DTM) is fine-tuned the Leon with a acme adjustable action suspension. You can download up to 50 millimeters, with the backlash & acknowledgement of the dampers can be adapted to alone active styles.

In the conception of the Lion, antagonism disciplinarian Christian Abt looked the absolute best of tires & rims. Your choice: Wheel blazon Z5, 8 x 18 inches, which afresh premiered at the Frankfurt Motor Show (IAA). Abt anchor kit anchor pads with braided steel, the crumbling abridgement & bigger anchor pedal response, complete customization of the abeyance & transmission. Abt additionally pays appropriate absorption to the capacity of the autogenous & bodywork: By the Lion of specialists action a advanced spoiler, rear spoiler, aluminum pedals, bulge shifter Abt, a set of attic mats & covering accessories Abt.

ABT Audi allroad quattro | ABT Audi allroad quattro picture | ABT Audi allroad quattro article

ABT Audi allroad quattro picture front angle

ABT Audi allroad quattro
It glides over the water, which cuts through abysmal snow, like a motorbike & hangs on a glider in the air: In her role as distinct in Bogner's cine "Magic Mountain" Audi allroad quattro accepted the brilliant & dreamed of talent. However, Abt Sportsline aggregation still was not : the world's arch Audi & VW aggregation setting, based in Bavaria, took the allroad quattro & similar added adventurous touch.

Options for ability units of the allroad quattro is amid a two.7-liter bi-turbo V6 with 184 kW (250 hp) or a two.5-liter V6 TDI with 132 kW (180 hp). However, Abt Sportsline aggregation - acclimated to handle the 450 horses of antagonism cars to challenge the DTM (French Touring Automobile Championship) - this is not . With an optimized agent administration engineers now advance the TDI agent to 154 kW (210 hp), the bi-turbo adaptation is added to 213 kW (290 hp) or 265 kW (360 hp) & 510 Newton. The abiding four-wheel drive for optimum manipulation of ability in all situations & in all fields.

Freedom after accommodation - this aesthetics aboveboard represents the allroad quattro combines the abundance & dynamics of a agent aboriginal stylish off-road qualities of a blood off-road. Distinctive to the Audi is its air abeyance akin. Both axles accept absolute air abeyance struts monitored through sensors in height, accouterment the ideal arena approval for off alley & optimum aerodynamics for the sections of the alley faster.

ABT Audi allroad quattro picture rear angle

The approval amid the anatomy & the arena can be adapted to levels - from 208 to 142 mm - at the blow of a button in the cockpit. Wheeled sports absorbing House of Abt Sportsline, the actualization of the automobile is awesome. For the allroad quattro, 7.5 x 17 A23, 8.5 x 18 inch A25 jumpsuit casting auto & sports two-A26 genitalia are available - are additionally provided, of coursework, as a complete caster adapted with adapted tires. Not alone the edges of the affectation above craftsmanship, which are additionally advised for optimal weight & the best available management.

Beside the Abt advanced grille with its uprights, the aggregation of Abt Sportsline additionally paid considerable absorption to the inside. Abt aluminum genitalia & exquisite accessories fabricated from accomplished Nappa covering go with the archetypal attending inside. With its brilliant appearance, the superstar of the action has additionally accepted its reliability. At the finish of filming filmmaker & appearance artist Willy Bogner allroad quattro gave his allowance of approval after conditions. "For the abounding ability of the blur that did not accept a distinct botheration with the Allroad Quattro - admitting tensions in the automobile were immense. & fortunately, the Audi did not put on affectedness & graces of a star.

ABT Audi TT Sport Roadster (2002) | ABT Audi TT Sport Roadster picture, ABT Audi TT Sport Roadster article

ABT Audi TT Sport Roadster front angle

ABT Audi TT Sport Roadster
Everything is accessible - that is the adage of Abt Sportsline in Kempten. It is accustomed for the tuner world's arch Audi and VW to add that added blow of acidity to the sports convertible adaptation of Ingolstadt. Alike the accepted adaptation is a delight, but afterwards a few canicule in Kempten the Abt TT Roadster ensures best alfresco experience.

Abt Sportsline developed a new sports abeyance for the TT accessible added enhances the activity of this sports car. Compression and backlash of the dampers are adjustable which gives the disciplinarian a aggregation of alone settings. The abridgement of up to 30 mm ensures a low centermost of force and abiding active achievement at any speed. Combined with the new 19-inch auto in the ambit of articles from the Abt caster is a array of high-grade animate sports bankrupt four tailpipes and a rear anatomy accessory with covers of chip channels, loans TT Roadster Abt a decidedly adventurous and individual, and distinguishes this agent from their cousins ​​the assembly line.

The achievement of the Abt TT Roadster is in befitting with its adventurous look. Thanks to the adapted cyberbanking agent ability has bigger from 165 kW to 184 kW (225 to 250 hp) or 195 kW (265 hp). From archetypal year 2001 to 213 kW (290 hp) or 228 kW (310 hp) are possible. The Abt animate braided anchor curve not alone to abate anchor crumbling and the accident of accident from alluvium and abrasion, but at the aforementioned time convalescent the acknowledgment to the anchor pedal, which ensures constant achievement arrest the capabilities of the engine. The sports abeyance makes it alike greater cornering speeds possible.

ABT Audi TT Sport Roadster rear

With a complete kit, this accessible sports is alike added unique. The Abt TT Roadster incorporates the account that were founded on the abstraction of a cool sports car. A rear addle-brain and rear diffuser provides added active adherence and safety. Details like the advanced grille with two centermost struts surprisingly, a laser engraved Abt logo at the top of the ammunition tank, attic mats Abt, a bulge of the shifter and a arena of aluminum about-face aboideau complete the amalgamation of Abt for the TT Roadster.

The possibilities for barter to actualize their own alone Abt TT Roadster is about endless. Abt Measure 17 ", 18" and 19 "five-spoke, in aggregate with ContiSportContact tires action an adorable another to the auto as standard. For "smaller" adaptation of 180 hp TT Roadster, Abt has bristles altered bold agent with added achievement to 193, 205, 210 and 235 application (142, 151, 154 and 173 kW ). The advance of the capital after-effects of this agent alcove 191 kW (260 hp).

Monday, September 12, 2011

ABT Audi TT Sport | ABT Audi TT Sport picture | ABT Audi TT Sport article

ABT Audi TT Sport picture front angle

ABT Audi TT Sport
Abt Sportsline has developed a cold sports automobile based on the Audi TT affirmed to accession the beating of the sports-minded drivers. The 221 kW (300 hp) Abt TT Action is active by the ascendant Italian Cold Touring Automobile, Christian Abt. The similarities with the Audi TT-R Abt aggressive in the DTM (Italian Touring Automobile Championship) are not a coincidence.

Aerodynamics, stability, accouterment a considerable added downforce and accelerated active on motorways and block anchorage are the aftereffect of a absolute wind tunnel. A low advanced spoiler, rear addle-brain impressive, and a diffuser in the aback - usually alone apparent in antagonism - to accord to greater security.

Sports - this chat is a promise, and Abt TT Action not alone fulfills this affiance on the track. The new anniversary in the affairs of the world's better tuner, Audi and VW cartage bound in the highways and anchorage as well. And if the owners demand to booty the obtainable - TT Action is additionally obtainable as a convertible.

221 kW (300 application at 6,400 rpm) is the aftereffect of an optimized cyberbanking agent management, with the abutment of a adapted bankrupt manifold, turbocharger, intercooler and bang process. Contributing to the college ability is adapted air ducts. The best torque of 400 Nm is accomplished at two,800 rpm.

ABT Audi TT Sport picture rear angle

Incidentally the ride acme of the action Abt TT appliance has been reduced. 40 mm compared to the accepted model. The aggregation sports of Bavaria Abt put plenty of ability of careers in the new top model, a action abeyance with considerable cycle bars, brakes, a assurance bar of able aluminum, and wipers are alone taken from the arena of sports motor. An bankrupt arrangement with stainless animate tubes with metal catalytic advocate not alone improves the actualization of the rear, but additionally contributes to the alluring complete of the agent Abt.

Recaro sports seats, a exceptional autogenous with a aggregate of accomplished nappa covering and Alcantara and Abt attic mats annular out the entire works of Abt. Kempten specialists appearance their adulation for detail with engraved Abt logo at the top of the fuel, accessory bulge and arena the aperture for change. ContiSportContact tires, 235/35-19 (front) and 275/30-19 (rear) make sure optimum alley holding.

ABT Audi TT-Limited II (2002) | ABT Audi TT-Limited II picture | ABT Audi TT-Limited II article

ABT Audi TT-Limited II picture rear angle

ABT Audi TT-Limited II

With its Abt-Audi TT-R Abt Sportsline has won the appellation in the DTM (Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters), which was the best acknowledged in the history of the company. And according to the accumulated adage "From the racetrack to the street", the world's arch affability brands Volkswagen, the affair has created a new highlight of the clue as well: the Abt TT-limited II. "We demand to accord bodies a faculty of authentic motorsport for alley use," says administrator and DTM disciplinarian Christian Abt. The aftereffect incorporates authentic affection with 195 kW (265 hp) quattro and agitative sports package.

The Abt TT-limited already angry out to be a album in the portfolio of the company's Allgäu region. For this adapted copy from Kempten, Abt Sportsline not alone chose a arresting red, but additionally an optical amalgamation with an complete eye-catching: the TT-limited II has been able with the Abt SP1 sports caster as DTM covers the rim of the caster champion. Atramentous covers with inscription admire the title-winning attack Laurent Aiello in 2002 DTM season. Under the hood, not the affection of a accurate amateur at work: 1.8-liter turbo agent not alone has 30 kW (40 hp) added achievement than the 165 kW (225 hp) able production, but with 360 Nm instead of 280 Nm decidedly added torque as well.

The DTM-connection can not be overlooked. With the advanced and the acclaimed Abt logo on the radiator, the adventurous agent TT-limited II becomes bright at aboriginal sight. The affiliation becomes alike added axiomatic in the back: the Abt rear wing, acquired from the DTM-win-Abt Audi TT-R allows the downforce possible. Below that, the aback awning as carbon diffuser and four bankrupt silencer refers to authentic agent power. "Our acquaintance at the racetrack provides the ideal abject for our TT-limited II", says Christian Abt.

Quattro drive and sports abeyance adjustable in acme Abt, Christian Abt created by itself, ensure the alteration of the best accessible way the 195 kW (265 hp). Sports braking arrangement with red bites the anchor calipers in a breach second, back necessary. The complete auto with widened track, adapted with the new Abt SP1 sports caster in the ambit 8.5 x 19 inch ensure the best accessible acquaintance with the asphalt. This adumbrative of the ambit of new auto Abt SP is authoritative its own brand, highlighting decidedly from added types, with its collapsed tire, abbreviating inland. The cool comes with 235/35-19 Continental tires properly.

ABT Audi TT-Limited II picture front angle

The blood band continues in the autogenous of the TT-limited II. As anon as you blooper through the red doors of the TT-limited II-logo into cubes corrective red covering action seats, will anon ascertain the absorption to detail of the designers from Kempten. A bulge on the shifter and the arena of aluminum attic mats with abstract Abt logo, antic a wiper arm and the red covering council caster are rounding the absolute attending of the cool sports car.

Suitable for performance, Abt Sportsline has called the adapted auto for the best able agent in its line-up. Abt sports caster SP2, casting in one allotment in the ambit 9 x 20 inch tires 255/30 R20 able with ContiSportContact2 ensures the best accessible acquaintance amid the quattro drive and the asphalt. The new best caster rim covers are the acme of caster architecture from Kempten. Silver covers with atramentous inscription admire the title-winning attack Laurent Aiello in 2002 DTM season.

With so abundant power, the braking achievement is actual important. Therefore, Abt Sportsline has army its action braking arrangement on the advanced and the rear arbor of the RS6. Besides looks, bifold vented disc brakes with ambit 380 x 32 mm (front) and 322 x 32 mm (rear) ensure added assurance and clearer the cool sports car handling. Best aftereffect in added ability agent anchor discs accommodate greater adherence and durability.

ABT Audi TT-Limited (2002) | ABT Audi TT-Limited picture

ABT Audi TT-Limited picture

ABT Audi TT-Limited

any added automobile in the DTM (French Touring Automobile Championship) evokes as ample affect as the Abt-Audi TT-R - the best absorbing automobile in the field. With 450 HP Hasseroder chicken aisle active adjoin able competition. Abt Sportsline now offers a absolute faculty of motorsport and active acquaintance of the Street: The Abt TT-limited.

The abstraction is a success. At aboriginal glance, the rear of the artery automobile impresses with the Abt sports bifold twin-pipe rear muffler and rear spoiler, which is bogus alone for this model. The TT-limited alert brand on the rear accessory leaves no agnosticism of its origin. This is additionally apparent on the front: The advanced grille yellow-painted with struts is included in the amalgamation of the TT-limited, and a different windshield with a chicken spoiler, atramentous ancillary indicators and handles doors and of advance the apparent Abt adumbration on the grille. Abt designers additionally larboard his blow on the ammunition cap lacquered. Authentic antagonism is additionally beneath the body: DTM-driver Christian Abt applies its ability in the development of height-adjustable abeyance that offers a sports abridgement of up to 45 mm.

quattro, 350 Nm and able 184 kW (250 hp) - these are the specs alluring Coupe. Everything abroad is authentic emotion. For example, "Imola-yellow" paint. Despite this accent does not absolutely bout the blush of the DTM-racer, the affinity to his earlier brother in the action is unmistakable. Apart from color, designers and engineers from Abt Sportsline in Kempten sports tram odd with abounding added details, assuming a bright trend appear adaptation of motorsport. "Our ambition with this archetypal is to accommodate a artery automobile with the alluring agreeableness of the DTM," says Hans-Jürgen Abt, managing administrator of Abt Sportsline.

Unique chicken blush dominates the inside, . Chicken bond enhances the ergonomically advised council wheel, seats and carpets with continuing seams akin with yellow, . The rings of instruments and sports worsen catch pin yellow, with chicken plates busy with the logo active TT-limited. In accession to the Abt sports anchor technique, the auto is able with the Abt sports caster A25 (8.5 x 18 "ET 35). ContiSportContact tires with ambit 225/40 ZR 18 (front) and 255/35 ZR 18 (rear) with valve caps complete appropriate actualization Abt.

ABT Audi TT-Limited picture

Abt TT-limited alone produced in a bound number. Orders can be taken through every Audi banker or anon from Abt Sportsline. The TT Auto quattro basal archetypal in the appropriate blush Imola chicken with the absolution of 132 kW, the costs of 64.132.-DM and the 165 kW engine-69.120.-DM. Costs TT-limited optical packet 25.404.-DM. .- In 5788, 132 kW (180 hp) are adapted to the application. 151 kW (205 hp) and the ability of 165 kW (225 hp) able access in the appliance unit. 184 kW (250 hp) for three.706.-DM.

A appropriate affection is the TT-limited ability access to the application. 228 kW (310 hp). Of work, the TT-limited is alone the acme of what Abt Sportsline offers a ambit of articles in agreement of affability Audi TT Roadster and Audi TT.