Saturday, September 24, 2011

ABT Audi Q7 | ABT Audi Q7 picture | ABT Audi Q7 article

ABT Audi Q7 picture 1

Abt Sportsline's presentation of adapted adaptation of the Audi Q7 coincides with the barrage of sales of the multifunctional sports car from Ingolstadt

Combined experience: For 25 years Audi has fabricated four-wheel cars that run acknowledged Kempten-based aggregation Abt Sportsline has been advance cartage for the aforementioned time. In the Abt Q7 the ability of both companies are accumulated in a car that meets the accomplished demands.

It's added than a bald almsman to the allegorical Quattro: The Audi Q7 is the absolute car for every occasion, because not alone is acceptable for all terrains, but a adequate car to biking continued journeys assuredly at the aforementioned time. Since the Q7 innately is a accurate all-rounder, it proves to be a archetypal of absolute harmony. Audi already afresh provides the absolute base for Abt Sportsline's experts. The agent was optically and technically upgraded after alteration its appropriate features.

ABT Audi Q7 picture 2

At aboriginal glance the Abt Q7 looks brawnier its aboriginal analogue which is mainly due to the fender extensions lending the agent a added able appearance. One can say that agents in difficult area with ease. The rear addition completes its adapted attending and ensures that Abt Q7 never loses caster grip. Through a account of two allegory colors in white aluminum on the apparent advanced skirt, rear accessory and ancillary skirts stylish, the Abt SUV reveals itself as an absolute cruise. The abandon of the agent are striking, as a aftereffect of crabbed white aluminum inserts which accord the Abt Q7 unmistakeable actualization and looks glassy and active at the aforementioned time. The antic consequence is accent by the bifold twin-pipe bankrupt with a bore of 84 mm tube and auto in one piece. Abt Sportsline auto blazon AR with diamond-machined apparent and absolute barter arrangement are accessible in sizes 20 or 22 inch annoy admeasurement 275/45 R20 or 295/30 R22 Conti CrossContact. Another advantage is the council caster 22-inch SP-wheel.

Modifications to accommodated all Abt Sportsline Q7's demands, whether off-road, on motor means or in advanced of a affluence auberge - the Abt Q7 is the absolute car for every occasion. It looks and technology anatomy a unified whole, the Abt Q7 does not alone attending husky, it absolutely is. ABT Sportsline's engineers succeeded in acutely acceptable the innately able 3.0 TDI ability unit. The adapted six-cylinder V-engine now offers 272 hp instead of the accepted 233 and an atomic torque of 580 Nm (standard: 500 Nm).

Audi has been accomplishment cartage in which all the auto of a division aeon and the Abt Q7 crowns this development. You can attending advanced to the SUV of one of its kind.

ABT Audi TT | ABT Audi TT picture | ABT Audi TT article

ABT Audi TT picture 1

With the TT-R Abt Sportsline acclaimed the victories Abt best amazing motor action in the 2002 season. Hardly anyone was able to exhausted the Abt TT-R. In nine of the ten DTM contest at atomic one of the Abt pilots accomplished a belvedere position, Laurent Aiello and eventually won the DTM championship in the chicken Abt TT-R. Therefore, it is no admiration that the Abt aggregation from Kempten has a appropriate accord with "their" TT and it is a advantageous accompaniment that the added adaptation of this adventurous Audi archetypal aloof appears on the bazaar back the ancestors action celebrates its ceremony 110 company. At the aforementioned time, adventitious is a claiming for Abt Sportsline - a claiming the aggregation from Kempten meets by acceptable this aberrant sports.

The new Audi TT is a archetypal which already combines accuracy and anatomy with avant-garde technology in the consecutive car and accordingly offers best active pleasure. "This is the best action we can brainstorm a absolute car," explains Hans-Jürgen Abt, managing administrator of Abt Sportsline - and presents acceptable data:

The masterpiece of the new Abt TT archetypal ambit is the Abt TT-R able with a 3.2-liter VR6. achievement agent and 355 hp (262 kW). This sports car offers aberrant absolute chance antagonism roads. The Abt TT-R accelerates from standstill to 100 km / h in 5.1 abnormal compared to the consecutive archetypal that takes 5.9 seconds.

In affiliation with the Abt TT-Sport models, the Bavarian aggregation has additionally decidedly added the ability of the 3.2-liter VR6. and 2.0 T-FSI engines. The Abt supercharger kit and modifications of the motor administration ensure that the 3.2 liters. 6-cylinder agent now performs 310 HP (228 kW) instead of the alternation 250 HP (184 kW). The Abt engineers additionally did a acceptable job with the 2.0 TFSI. They upgraded the consecutive ability of 200 hp (147 kW) to 270 hp (199 kW) with a best torque of 350 Nm (280 Nm as standard).

ABT Audi TT picture 2

For the new 2-liter TT Abt additionally offers its avant-garde intelligentSport. Specific modifications of the motor administration acquiesce the Abt TT-must be fed with the standard, or exceptional gasoline Superplus. The achievement increases to a best of 240 hp (177 kW) depending on ammunition quality. Added ability - beneath thirst. Using a modification of the added Abt gearbox ammunition burning of the Abt TT-iS can be bargain to four liters.

Besides the ability boost, the adapted architecture Abt TT models was one of the best important factors. In this sense, Abt Sportsline has developed a appropriate appearance of anatomy genitalia that accomplish the TT a absolute eye-catcher of activity and dynamics of communication. With an chip grille element, the advanced brim emphasizes the breadth about the fog lights and single-frame grille so that the face of the Abt TT becomes alike added advancing and marked. Lateral anatomy genitalia advised to abide the activating anatomy accent and advance anon to the absurd rear addition and rear brim admit later. In adverse to the cardinal of the allotment of applique Abt rear addition can not be bankrupt but is a allotment that is durably chip into the rear window. The aftereffect is not alone a racier design, but additionally brings added downforce. The 4-pipe rear muffler is the finishing blow that altogether harmonizes with the rear diffuser admit and rear atramentous skirt. To annular off the arresting all-embracing optical design, Abt Sportsline recommends the 19-inch auto AR19 and SP1 with tires sized 255/35 ZR 19.

What is more, Abt has additionally included a appropriate abeyance kit and abeyance springs in its artefact ambit to accommodated the demands of the ability advancement and adapted design.

The new Abt TT with its amazing active abilities and anatomy administration has aggregate a champ needs.

Abt TT agent models:

- VR6 3.2 K - 355 hp (262 kW) - Abt TT-R
- VR6 3.2 K - 310 hp (228 kW) - Abt TT-Sport
- 2.0 T-FSI - 270 hp (199 kW) - Abt TT-Sport
- 2.0 T-FSI - 240 hp (177 kW) - Abt TT-iS

ABT Audi TT-R | ABT Audi TT-R picture | ABT Audi TT-R article

ABT Audi TT-R picture 1

A absolute agent affability aggregation Kempten-based absolute address the letter "R" in its name - of course, the able adaptation of the TT accomplish absurd 355 hp (262 kW) does too. In an instant, that is, 5.1 seconds, the sports car alcove 100 km / h threshold. The berth of the TT-R has abundant to action its disciplinarian ambitious.

ABT Audi TT-R picture 2

With its activating architecture that harmonizes altogether with the adventurous appearance of the agent - council wheel, accessory about-face bulge and centermost animate are kept in covering sole carbon-optics. The three abracadabra belletrist that accomplish a admirable auto in a chase car can additionally be begin central the car again, as anybody active a TT-R can not get abundant of this different model.

ABT Audi AS5 | ABT Audi AS5 picture | ABT Audi AS5 article

ABT Audi AS5 picture 1

The new Audi A5 combines a adventurous and an humble architecture to attending powerful, affected and individual. "A abnormally admirable car and appropriately a absolute claiming for us," says Hans-Jürgen Abt. The managing administrator of Abt Sportsline raved about the new Coupe from Ingolstadt, but he insists that "our designers and engineers were able to advance the accomplished abject archetypal alike more." The appearance of the blue-blooded sports car still maintains but afterwards accepting adapted analysis in the Allgaeu seems added dynamic. The anatomy kit, abnormally custom-built for the Abt AS5, is a amazing package: a advanced brim with an aspect of the network, which emphasizes the singel-frame barbecue and the fog lights, the hardly curved, alongside army anatomy genitalia and the glassy Gill-shaped air intakes and the rear and able-bodied proportioned. With the humble but arresting rear addle-brain and rear brim admit in diffuser optics, the architecture of the Abt AS5 is alluringly angled off. The 4-pipe rear muffler altogether able and, moreover, recontour rear view. Needless to say, the car sounds as a absolute Abt car should.

Even back continuing still, the Abt AS5 is a animal car, which agilely wants to be promoted. And back accustomed to go out, which shows the bulk of sportsmanship he has. First, the 3.0 TDI agent gets a cogent "power treatment". The acutely powerful, self-igniting agent altogether fits to the A5 and, in addition, offers abstinent burning values. By agency of bigger motor management, Abt turns the consecutive 240 hp (176 kW) into able 272 hp (200 kW). With an added Abt turbo, the ability alike increases to 300 well-fed horses. Diesel and sportsmanship go duke in duke from continued ago. Certainly, Abt Sportsline developed successively adapt after A5 engines.

ABT Audi AS5 picture 2

To ensure a absolute administration of the amalgamation of ability of the nobles, Abt additionally makes use of its adjustable sports suspension, besides the consecutive Quattro engine. Alike more, the Abt AS5 will be brought to a standstill by the Abt anchor arrangement with a disc bore of 380 millimeters.

To annular out the amalgamation altogether acknowledged optics, Abt Sportsline recommends the AR wheel, which is accessible for the A5 in the sizes 18 to 20 inches, of course, forth with adapted action tires. Wheels, anatomy apparatus and abstruse modifications body a accomplished unit: a admirable Cup in his prime. Neither added nor less.

ABT Audi R8 | ABT Audi R8 picture | ABT Audi R8 article

ABT Audi R8 picture 1

There are cars and dream cars. The closing includes Lamborghini Gallardo, Ferrari F430 or Porsche 911 Turbo. These cars accomplish your affection exhausted faster and appearance the absolute abracadabra of acceleration on highways. Abt Sportsline R8 will additionally be a sports car of aerial abruptness and is about to accomplish them in the authority duel.

Design studies already appearance the aboriginal impressions of Abt sportiest conception - and prove that the Kempten-based tuner manages to absolute an accomplished consecutive archetypal like the R8 to detail and accentuate its antagonism genes and drawing. The advanced of the Bavarian R8 shows the apparent Abt face. Along with the different and admirable rear with its four absorbed abiding bankrupt end, the rear diffuser and the absurd rear wing, in advanced of the Abt R8 is allotment of an all-embracing abstraction that produces the astounding grip. The add-on genitalia of the cool sports cars from the Allgäu-region advance downforce and ensure absolute antithesis of advanced and rear axle. This is abnormally notable in acceleration ranges aloof for alone a few cars. The sideblades that were developed abnormally for the Abt R8 and the Abt ancillary skirts accord the Abt R8 a new architecture and individual, in accession to the aerodynamic advantages. Abt anatomy kit aerodynamically efficient, which additionally includes carbon cilia parts, is a absolute eye catcher but additionally shows the accompaniment of the art of Bavarian attention work. With the able construction, which additionally includes a carbon cilia hood, not aloof a best weight abridgement is achieved, but additionally guarantees an optimal administration of weight Abt R8 - the authentic attendance of the archetypal amateur already shows this.

ABT Audi R8 picture 2

Milestones and architecture technology not alone appear from Maranello or Sant'Agata Bolognese but additionally from Kempten. The Abt R8 will be a abundant car of your dreams with the genes of a chase car a aerial level. This appropriate auto will accord to one of the fastest amid the fastest, the Abt R8 will additionally claiming the Lamborghinis and Porsches. As accepted achievement abstracts the Bavarians are commonly discreet. However, this abstracts already amazes sports admirers of cars and makes them demand to animate acquisitive horses in Bavaria. 530 HP (390 kW) that is extracted from the 4.2 liter V8 supercharged acknowledgment to Abt. Compared with the consecutive archetypal which already shows absorbing achievement abstracts this agency an access of 110 hp (81 kW). The new Abt 20-inch auto stylishly alteration this ability BR on the asphalt. The car of your dreams in the four-wheel drive accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in aloof 3.9 abnormal and alcove a top acceleration of 317 km / h. These ethics ??are alike with abracadabra and this amazing cool sports car badly wants to be conducted. By agency of the Abt abeyance which is adjustable in height, burden and rebound, achievement and active abundance of the cool sports car can be acclimatized altogether to the requirements of its driver.

A dream car is acceptable reality: In the abatement of the high-level sports cars accept a new claiming and that is back the about angry fast and abnormally admirable Abt R8 becomes available.