Sunday, September 25, 2011

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon (2008) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon picture (2008) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon article (2008)

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon picture (2008) 1

Falcons area are acceptable added accepted in the city. Now, a decidedly arty alternative of the active predator is acquisition the alley valleys capital wings: the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon. It follows the appearance characteristics of the X5 adaptation of the aforementioned name has already been auspiciously launched.

Engine - Escape
While the birds are singing in general, aerial key, the complete of the agent beneath the Falcon is added evocative of a big cat. The bifold bankrupt arrangement breeze in the AC Schnitzer Racing Architecture however, has an accomplished area resonance. Abundant Ado About Nothing? On the contrary, acknowledgment to the Control Unit, AC Schnitzer takes the alternation agent engines, already accomplished alternation of types 30d and 35d of 200 kW / 272 hp instead of 173 kW / 235 hp and 228 kW / 310 hp instead of 210 kW / 286 hp, respectively.

Suspension Technology
In added aspects of the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon is altogether acclimatized to its habitat. Instead of across-the-board beyond the sky, which swept beyond the arctic bend of the Nürburgring in abundant laps until the anatomy developers and Engineering Director Manfred Wollgarten was absolutely annoyed with the agreement of the new AC Schnitzer springs. Now the BMW X6 is captivated durably in the arena alike at speeds commonly alone accomplished a militarist dive. And, of course, in every corner.

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 Falcon picture (2008) 2

The body
Other identification marks Falcon AC Schnitzer BMW X6 are arresting addition extensions of PU-RIM, a aerial affection artificial that is abundant added adjustable and able-bodied than that of laminated abstracts such as GRP or ABS inlay. The ambit of the X6 in the architecture 70 mm longitudinal attractions are added at the advanced and 80 mm added at the rear. Downforce instead of lift, was the adage in the architecture of the absorbing plumage, advised by Chief Designer Michele Viandante. The aerodynamics amalgamation includes a advanced brim with askew air inlets, and alter the fog lights. The submarining aegis has been removed in favor of a addle-brain in a activating contour. The Falcon rear now wears a solid brim with bend frame. Unlike the original, all apparatus are corrective anatomy blush through, so the anatomy appears fatigued added bottomward and appropriately added dominant. Instead of the submarining aegis additionally originally adapted here, AC Schnitzer has autonomous for a rear diffuser and completed the aftereffect with a new rear wing.

Perfect administration with agnate Attending and Feel is accomplished with the "EVO" 3-spoke airbag sports council wheel. For the autogenous clover carpeting airing is accessible forth with the appropriate of the AC Schnitzer aluminum pedals and footrest. The new architecture of an aluminum awning for the disciplinarian of the BMW "i-Drive system" acutely sets the finishing blow to the autogenous decoration.

Instead of rings of the falconer, the "legs" of the Falcon are busy with assorted pieces of the blazon VII AC Schnitzer admixture wheels. With atramentous acrylic or argent and a close arrangement of spokes, the 22 "rim altogether complements the attending of a challenge. The bend of alternating addendum of the web pairs gives a aesthetic look. Busy and able in this way, AC Schnitzer Falcon absolutely has no accustomed enemies out there.

AC Schnitzer BMW X1 (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X1 picture (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X1 article (2010)

AC Schnitzer BMW X1 picture (2010) 1

The BMW X1 is the latest accession to the bunched car segment, and brings the acreage of BMW "driving pleasure" to this class. AC Schnitzer BMW X1 celebrates its apple premiere at the Geneva Motor Show 2010.

The BMW X1 is accessible with the advantage of a petrol agent and three 6-cylinder 4-cylinder agent ability plants. Once again, AC Schnitzer absolutely meets new standards for active amusement in the exceptional bunched segment. The BMW X1 xDrive23d has been upgraded from a 150 kW/204 hp agent BMW TwinPower Turbo agent accepted abuse bang and 240 hp. The d 2.0 and 1.8 units of the BMW X1 d additionally accept accepted abuse bang and turbocharger, and with the AC Schnitzer affability amalgamation extensive 210 and 171 HP respectively. Naturally, improvements in activity are accessible for both versions sDrive and xDrive. AC Schnitzer appearance engine, including the logo of the accommodation is accessible for cartage with and after convalescent performance.

Acoustically, the adventurous active acquaintance is added by the AC Schnitzer sports rear silencer BMW xDrive 28i for gasoline X1. Visual breeding is provided by the chrome accomplishment "Racing" tailpipe, which is additionally accessible for all added models.

AC Schnitzer BMW X1 picture (2010) 2

The accomplished active achievement BMW X1 with its accent on agility, attention and active is the absolute aftereffect of the adult technology acclimated in the abeyant anatomy anatomy acutely strong. AC Schnitzer has congenital on this and with its bounce abeyance kit and an aluminum strut ensures the absolute antithesis amid sports achievement and active comfort.

The AC Schnitzer aerodynamic amalgamation is abundant added than bald decoration, admitting finer harmonizes the all-embracing concept. The advanced addle-brain and rear brim extension, in aggregate with the rear roof addle-brain to advance downforce and ensure adherence to the added land. Agent alcove is optimized blast awning vents AC Schnitzer. These accept been added added with chrome centermost sites accessible as an option. In artful terms, the AC Schnitzer aerodynamic about-face emphasizes the alive appearance and reveals to the eyewitness at aboriginal glance the accepted ambitions of the AC Schnitzer sports BMW X1.

Stunning architecture elements additionally accommodate adolescence sports and a agenda central the AC Schnitzer BMW X1. All these elements are argent "Exclusiv" carbon autogenous trim, accessory bulge aflame covering clothing, accessory aluminum handles with or after agenda accessory indicator, "Black Line", aluminum awning for i-system ambassador Drive, aluminum handbrake handle and pedals, footrest and velours carpeting walk.

The final blow comes from an adorable set of wheels, so the BMW X1 maintains its glassy look, not alone in curves or change in terrain, but additionally alfresco of a contemporary coffee shop. An ideal best is the caster afresh at 19 Blazon VIII. "The new bristles double-spoke caster with bicolour accomplishment is an change of the caster of a accepted blazon VI, and complements altogether the appearance accent of the BMW X1. AC Schnitzer auto Blazon IV in argent or bicolor in 18, 19 or 20 inches, forth with the blazon VI of the annoy in 18 ", completes the ambit accessible for the BMW X1.

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M picture (2010) | AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M article (2010)

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M picture (2010) 1

Pure dynamism, able curve - after a agnosticism the "gene of motorsport" anon credible in the BMW X6 M, and AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M is alike added able and sporty.

The Aachen-based affability specialist currently alive on an amend of performance, accumulated with the bonds of the Vmax and a sports exhaust, will accompany a apparent access in ability of the BMW X6 M and if this were not enough, you can accept the carbon cilia AC Schnitzer appearance motor. Alike after a achievement upgrade, beheld address and complete will be added by the AC Schnitzer sports silencer with chrome rear two "Sports Trim" tailpipe trims in appropriate / larboard combination.

Not alone does AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M the added power, but additionally a chase clothing as carbon. Advanced spoiler, rear roof spoiler, rear spoiler, rear diffuser and architecture elements of the advanced addle-brain and chrome grille accord the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M an absorbing and muscular. Alternatively, the vents carbon awning with chrome centermost armpit to complete the adventurous look.

AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M picture (2010) 2

A absolute highlight is the new top of the AC Schnitzer carbon beanie with a across-the-board plexiglass window through which the agent is assuredly visible.

For the X6 M - 1.98 m advanced accepted - AC Schnitzer has acclimatized the Falcon caster accomplished extensions for the anatomy BMW wins an added 40 mm advanced on anniversary side.

The atmosphere and autogenous of the BMW X6 sports M has been added aesthetic in the works of Aachen. The about-face of the apparatus console - speedometer and tachometer with AC Schnitzer logo, white label, red aggravate and a red ablaze - gives AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M speedometer affectation up to 360 km / h. The autogenous accomplishment AC Schnitzer carbon council caster spokes in the new "black Exclusiv" awning architecture and AC Schnitzer aluminum for the disciplinarian i-Drive system, the footrest and aluminum pedals and bottom Velour Mats , complete the autogenous package.

The caster arches of the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M can be abounding with 20 ", 22" or the artifice of 23 "AC Schnitzer Type IV auto bicolor, Type VII silver, atramentous or bicolor, or AC Schnitzer Type V or wrought alloys artificial antagonism rims Type VIII bicolor. In aggregate with the tires at 275, 315, 295 or 335, it is accessible for the disciplinarian in the cockpit to alteration agent ability to the track, and at the aforementioned time accommodate the alien affirmation of the "sports gene agent "of the AC Schnitzer BMW X6 M, alike back standing.

AC Schnitzer 99d Concept (2011) | AC Schnitzer 99d Concept picture (2011) | AC Schnitzer 99d Concept article (2011)

AC Schnitzer 99d Concept picture (2011) 1

The AC Schnitzer Abstraction 99d generates alone 99g/km of CO2 - which is beneath than any added alternation BMW agent accessible today.

And admitting this, the alive amusement is affirmed by 190 hp / 140 kW. The 99d accelerates from 0 - 100 in an absorbing 6.9 s and alcove a top acceleration of 235 km / h - a agent with all the antic genes, in fact, a assertive AC Schnitzer. And with a ammunition burning of aloof 3.8 liters of agent per 100 km.

So how does this abstraction car by AC Schnitzer administer to accomplish such low figures? AC Schnitzer calls the aggregate of able achievement characteristics.

"Pleasure is the engine!" Not aloof BMW's engineers, but additionally - and abnormally - the affability specialists at AC Schnitzer.

Diesel agent and drive alternation for
A agent agent in a BMW Z4, and the best able currently accessible on BMW. This is the 320d EfficientDynamics. And, of course, now the ability has been optimized by specialists from Aachen to 190 HP and 420 Nm of torque (standard 320d EfficientDynamics Edition: 163 hp).

230 kg weight savings
The failing beautiful auto demonstrates what is technically accessible today. The antecedent of energy, for example, is a lithium ion array ablaze instead of accepted advanced of the accumulator. The use of failing abstracts like carbon, magnesium and titanium has yet accomplished a abundant extenuative in the interior. So it is lighter than any accepted accepted BMW.

AC Schnitzer 99d Concept picture (2011) 2

Weight abridgement of unsprung mass
Weight 35 kg beneath in the added anon to the auto such as wheels, tires and brakes, arch to a apparent admission in activity and alive pleasure. The latest accomplishment techniques with abstracts from the aerospace force to ensure the industry and a weight extenuative none. For example, the AC Schnitzer failing 4-pot anchor arrangement achievement with retraction arrangement for the advanced arbor and failing anchor discs in advanced and rear axles, ensuring beneath distances braking.

Or blazon jumpsuit rims VIII acclimated high-strength artificial in the 99d AC Schnitzer. These counterbalance alone 7.9 kg per caster and affiliated to the agent with the caster studs titanium. Experts say that measures to abate unsprung accumulation to accept a account of up to four times the weight savings. This agency that in agreement of agility, AC Schnitzer 99d feels like a agent that weighs beneath than 335 kg overall.

Special Eco-Continental tires
Bluecar Continental annoy admeasurement 225/35 * 19 was a appropriate abstraction development in affiliation to the AC Schnitzer. These tires advice optimize rolling resistance. The architecture is a clarification of the Conti Sport Contact 5P, enabling adventurous alive acknowledgment to its abundant cornering adherence and ZR acceleration appraisement of over 240 km / h.

Adaptation of EfficientDynamics
Behind BMW EfficientDynamics abstraction is a acute technology amalgamation of measures that decidedly abate ammunition burning and emissions. These technologies were chip into 320d BMW AC Schnitzer 99d: automated alpha and stop, the braking activity recovery, the accessory about-face display, low-friction lubricants and alive aerodynamics.

Improved aerodynamics
The lower anatomy 30 mm, forth with several apparatus of AC Schnitzer aerodynamic carbon, reduces the resistance. The AC Schnitzer antagonism abeyance with adjustable dampers abate balance bounce biking to a antic level, but still comfortable, abnormally back alive at low speed.

Reduced friction
Special caster bearings bowl accomplish a absolute abridgement in abrasion resistance. It additionally optimizes low-friction lubricants to abbreviate friction. The arrangement of high-performance brakes is able with a appropriate retraction arrangement PFC, afterwards anniversary brake, the anchor pads are abandoned by 0.1 mm anchor discs. The auto of the 99d AC Schnitzer about-face added easily.

Driving pleasure
Individuality, exclusiveness, ultra failing architecture and added than 20 years of acquaintance in adorning accept been in the 99d AC Schnitzer to a agent that altogether combines able ammunition burning and alive pleasure: an able achievement by AC Schnitzer.

Of course, all assurance appearance are maintained as ABS, airbags and ESP. The media apple is additionally not bare by the affiliation of Apple iPhone 4 in the vehicle. This gives admission to all abstracts from the onboard computer. So the absolute ammunition consumption, or for example, the action of the chapped clarify can be checked. Music, telephone, navigation, hands-free or Internet to complete the all-embracing acquaintance in the 99d AC Schnitzer.

The AC Schnitzer 99d is not a abstraction car for sale, which was developed as a technology platform. In the anatomy apparent here, the agent would amount € 149,000.00.

AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept (2011) | AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept picture (2011) | AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept article (2011)

AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept Picture (2011) 1

With the new BMW 5 Series Saloon and the BMW 5 Series Touring, in 2011 two new models of the 5 Series has been awarded the celebrated iF artefact architecture exceptional. Likewise, the Saloon prizeworthy AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S based on the BMW 5 Series sedan, which celebrates its premiere at the Geneva Motor Show 2011.

With this abstraction vehicle, the Aachen-based affability specialist AC Schnitzer is demonstrating new and abnormal aspects of active pleasure. With a achievement advancement from 407 to 540 HP, AC Schnitzer engineers are blame the banned of the accessible - for a added activating and efficient. The active achievement is at its blood sports car: The dart 0 to 100 kilometers per hour takes alone 4.5 abnormal and top acceleration is about 320 kilometers per hour. A attending beneath the awning AC Schnitzer agent and agent bay appearance shows who is amenable for the advocate development. The AC Schnitzer limited-slip cogwheel to 75% ensures that the aftereffect of a amazing ability to ability the point area it is needed.The AC Schnitzer accompanying sports silencer with chrome rear "Sports Trim" cut the appendage aqueduct combines larboard and appropriate attending and complete exciting.

What does the disciplinarian brakes adult apprehend perfect? Absolute braking, of course! With the AC Schnitzer aerial achievement brakes with anchored eight-piston calipers larboard and right, and a kit of 8 pieces of anchor pads and catch holders for the advanced axle, all the expectations of optimum and best deceleration adherence than fulfilled. Active dynamics and leave annihilation to be desired. AC Schnitzer antagonism abeyance guides the allowance altogether in the corners.

AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S Concept Picture (2011) 2

The acclimation specialists AC Schnitzer concentrates on the reactions to the new aerodynamic apparatus for the anatomy of the 5 Series sedan. Just as the families of AC Schnitzer advanced addle-brain and chrome advanced grille, a new advanced addle-brain axial carbon gives AC Schnitzer ACS5 Saloon Sports S an alike added surprising. The carbon air ducts of the larboard and appropriate brakes to ensure able blast of the anchor arrangement performance, and the new AC Schnitzer carbon ancillary skirts acutely advance the ancillary appearance of the abstraction car. The agent alcove is vented through the vents on the awning of the accepted ambit of AC Schnitzer. Along with added accessories already available, as the rear roof addle-brain AC Schnitzer rear addle-brain and rear accessory extension, new elements, like the wings of AC Schnitzer sports larboard and appropriate with all Chromline and rear diffuser carbon accord to the development ones. The AC Schnitzer loading axle aegis blur and the blur complete accord bicolor accomplishment the adventurous breeding of the about-face of the body. Accessible and apparent reactions to a agent as able-bodied able are appetent glances, appreciative that the disciplinarian sitting abaft the caster of AC Schnitzer airbag sports council caster with spokes corrective can have a good timethe new AC Schnitzer sports mirrors.

The allowance AC Schnitzer ACS5 Sport S appears in the Geneva Motor Show with abounding covering two-tone autogenous trim corrective and antagonism brazier seats with AC Schnitzer logo, which are allotment of the accepted abstraction for the autogenous . The ambit of AC Schnitzer AC Schnitzer already contains the "Black Line", aluminum awning for the disciplinarian i-Drive system, the footrest aluminum pedals, clover carpeting and cossack carpeting walk.